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Back Bend — Camel
Kneel down on the floor and reach back to
touch your heels. Make sure your legs are
parallel with each other. Bend your back
slowly and get deeper into the position.
Make sure to keep your buttocks firm.
When you are ready to come out of the
position, make sure to tense your stomach
muscles first. Do this 3 times.
Back Bend — The Wheel
Laying down on the floor, bend your legs and place your
heels against your butt. Then bend your arms and place the
heels of your palms on the ground as close to your shoulders
as possible. Then, slowly push yourself up so that the top of
your head is resting on the floor. Next, when you are ready,
push yourself completely off the ground. It is very important
that your buttocks are tight the entire time. If you are having
trouble, lift your heels off the floor and use only the balls of
your feet. Also, make sure that your hands are close to the
floor space directly under your head. Hold for as long as is
comfortable, then gently let yourself down. Don’t stretch
your legs, but rest a bit. Then, push yourself up again. Do
this 3-5 times, or as much as you feel comfortable.
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