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Sitting on a thick pillow on the floor, bend one knee, and place
heel against butt. Extend other leg. Then, bend opposite arm from
the leg you bent, and place the area just above the elbow to the
area on the leg just above the knee. Then, place your open hand on
the ground directly behind your tailbone. Make sure your back is
straight. Then use your bent arm to push down and away on your
knee, while pushing directly up on the floor with your straight
arm. Pull in your stomach, as you feel your spine twisting from
your lower back up through to your neck. You should also turn
your head as far as it will go for maximum twist. If you don’t feel it
in your lower back, use a thicker pillow, or push up harder to
elongate your abdomen. Repeat other side.
Forward Bend
This is just like a hurdler’s stretch, except
that you keep your back totally straight,
leading forward with your chest. Use a belt
or a scarf to pull you if you can’t hold your
feet. First, bend one leg and rest it on the
floor, with your foot flat on the opposite
thigh. Then pull forward with your arms,
keeping your chest puffed out. You should
feel a stretch in your lower back because of
this. When you feel pain, try not to recoil
from it, but concentrate on it instead. As
you do, you will find it not so unpleasant,
and instead of recoiling you will relax,
allowing you to bend down further. Keep
concentrating on the feelings you are
having. Many emotions that have been
supressed may be released. Repeat with
other leg, then do it with both legs extended.
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